She always thought of others first. She never lost that despite all she faced. Always the big heart.
Despite all that she faced, despite the crushing injustice of this disease, she was always thinking about everyone but her self.
She spent a few hours each week stocking a toy chest for our friend's children so they would have fun when they visited her as her mobility became more challenging.
Wendy hosted my 40th birthday at Disney so she could bring magic to our friend's kids
One of Wendy's many admirers enjoying a gift from her toy chest - As she had more trouble walking, she wanted the kids to always have a sense of surprise and delight when they visited
Shortly before we went into the hospital for the last time, she flew across the country in a wheelchair to meet her nephews for the first time. It was very important to her.
She had that kid's sense of wonder
Always willing to share her time - even for kids yoga
She loved loving others
...and even would be a Care Bear to cheer up kids for a Zoom Halloween
Hosting a tea party for her admirers - She had a lot of difficulty walking by this point but wanted to ensure the kids had the time of their lives
Silly at heart in Florence Italy
Never afraid to be the silly ringleader if it made others happy
Every year she would dress up to make the kids smile...
Always looking to make others smile - She spent hours online trying to buy just the right hand puppets for this visit